Andreas Matern

You know what makes me need to call 911? When my phone plugged into my car screams an emergency alert while driving. What kind of madness is this?

You know where the holiday season is most evident? Any large mall like parking lot. The good will one sees as people fight for spaces just brings a tear to my eye (insert sarcasm emoji here)

Binary Stars - The New Yorker

Go check out this great New Yorker article - my favorite quote: _It was the beginning of a feedback loop - bigness would be the source of Google’s intelligence; intelligence the source of its wealth; and wealth the source of its growth - that would make the company extra-ordinarily, and unsettingly, dominant

Well this is going to be fun! Love the trailer! Can’t wait! Avengers!…

The first tragic Christmas ornament loss to the puppet

Wow fort point has changed! Might have to stop by here on the way back to the train ….

The holiday spirit!

Are we ready for the Dedham Turkey Trot? She is … I’m not too sure about me!

Let’s go Celtics