Andreas Matern

David Lynch: Where do ideas come from?

Dungeons and Dragons prep

Time for ice cream in Rye, NH

Playing Dungeon! With the family ….. life is good

Great work Katerina!!!

Jonas and Kat’s Spring Piano Recital!

Cleaning up outside on this gorgeous day … Jonas is discovering Calvin And Hobbes!

Good morning Boston

One of the spring surprises found while taking advantage of the beautiful #Dedham MA weather yesterday - a robins nest

Gorgeous night in Dedham, MA

Everybody should have a guitar and an amp to let it all out!

Penny 2 Soccer Balls 0

Cool sky earlier this morning… what do they say about red skies in the morning? (This was ~ 7:10 am in Framingham)

Snow and Rain

Let’s be positive. The weather has made going to the gym unnecessary. This snow won’t agree with the snowblower, so it’s going to be a fun morning (post-coffee of course) of shoveling wet, heavy snow.